

I'm Mary. It's nice to meet you. This blog is a tiny space on the internet to document my musings on style, travel and culture. Enjoy!

How to Wear Colored Denim

I'm digging jeans of all colors lately. Not the high-waist, loose-fit Girbaud jeans of 1994, but simple, chic, hip-slung skinny jeans in shades like pink, teal and mustard yellow. That's the key to updating colored denim. Treat it like your average pair of pencil-legs from J.Crew.

Bright colors can sometime come off a little wacky, so be sure to add a pair of heels. If you're curvy on the bottom, wear a jacket or loose-fitting shirt to balance things out on top — not a bad idea for any curvy girl wearing skinny jeans, by the way.

It would also be wise to err on the side of skinny jeans as opposed jeggings when wearing colored denim, because you don't want them to be spandex-tight throughout your legs. A few wrinkles and folds in the fabric will keep them looking and fitting like jeans, not tights.

Any of you guys rocking this trend?

[Images courtesy of Hanneli Mustaparta, Brooklyn Blonde, Fab Sugar, J.Crew, Jesse Boo, La Courtier NYC, Made By Girl, Vanessa Jackman]

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