

I'm Mary. It's nice to meet you. This blog is a tiny space on the internet to document my musings on style, travel and culture. Enjoy!

Checking in on my 2015 Style Resolutions

Checking in on my 2015 Style Resolutions

Next year is fast approaching, and now seems like the right time to check in on the progress I've made (or, uh, not made) on my 2015 style resolutions. Here we go:

1. Invest in higher quality, timeless clothing. (grade so far: B-)

I fell victim to the temptations of fast fashion quite a few times this year. Pieces from Cos, & Other Stories and Zara all found a home in my closet at one point, but honestly, I ended up returning most of them because they didn't pass the quality test. It's almost as if I needed to buy them, inspect them and sent them back simply to satiate my need to acquire new things. It's a sickness, people, a sickness.

2. Get pickier. (grade so far: A-)

Yes! I stopped myself so many times this year from buying things just because they were mostly okay or crazy good deals or fixable in some vague way. If I was thrifting (the biggest outlet for casual spending since everything's so cheap), I only allowed myself to buy things if I loved them and they didn't need complicated alterations. And if I was shopping online, well, A LOT got sent back once I saw it in person.

3. Make room. (grade so far: B)

I did this seasonally, and it felt great. Basically, once I started to run out of hangers I knew it was time to purge. And every time, I surprised myself with how much stuff I was totally fine to see go. It felt so good to edit things down to the pieces I truly enjoy wearing. This usually came in tandem with a good closet organization spree, which is so fulfilling for a neat-freak like myself.

4. Stop procrastinating. (grade so far: A)

I was pretty good about not letting my pile of things to bring to the dry cleaner / tailor get too big this year. Honestly, it was less about procrastination and more about finding the time to take the stuff in and finding the right tailor (my old guy got too busy and actually turned me away this summer (wtf!)). The pile is currently non-existent, and it feels really good.

5. Don't boredom shop. (grade so far: C)

I gave in to the urge a few times this year, mostly at the beginning of spring and fall — i.e. the two most exciting times of the year to shop. I couldn't help myself! The swimsuits and the sweaters and the boots and the coats ... I don't technically NEED any of them, but they were still calling my name. Sweet fashion sirens, sing me your song.

6. Read labels. (grade so far: A)

2015 was the year of label-reading! As you may have noticed in my last post, I'm obsessed with finding the right fabrics. Unfortunately, this is damn-near impossible when you're shopping online, because one polyester sweater might feel like cashmere while another feels like burlap, but that's where my other newfound love of returning things kicks in. Sorry, stores. It's inevitable.

7. Just go for it. (grade so far: n/a)

Insecurity over whether or not an item feels like I'm trying too hard didn't really come up this year, and I suspect it's because I focused on finding versatile, timeless pieces, like I wrote about here. I really came to understand my style this year, and I want it to stay this way for a long time (with little tweaks and evolutions, but nothing major).

All in all, I'd say I'm doing pretty well sticking to my goals, but I need to curb the mindless online shopping. It's just too tempting, and I end up returning half the stuff I buy anyway. Why open that door in the first place?

image via lulu frost

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