

I'm Mary. It's nice to meet you. This blog is a tiny space on the internet to document my musings on style, travel and culture. Enjoy!

On Snow

On Snow

photo by erik simkins

photo by erik simkins

It snowed in Seattle last week and everyone freaked out. They even had me — a born-and-raised Minnesotan — worried about leaving the house while the ground was still white.

You guys, it was maybe half an inch of powder.

Granted, Seattle has crazy-steep hills and pretty much zero government recourse for snow control, but I've driven twenty miles in a two-door pickup truck during a white-out blizzard. Half an inch is nothing.

The trick? Drive slowly and avoid using your breaks, the main cause of sliding. Run red lights and stop signs if you have to (when the intersection is clear, of course) and try to keep your wheels in the clearest part of the road, regardless of staying inside the lines.

Basically, disregard traffic laws and you'll do just fine .

Your friendly Minnesotan

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