

I'm Mary. It's nice to meet you. This blog is a tiny space on the internet to document my musings on style, travel and culture. Enjoy!

New White & Metallic Heels

New White & Metallic Heels


If there's one color that's gonna define summer 2013, it's complete and utter stark white. I'm most excited about wearing it on my feet (you'll find the above heels here), but it also feels fresh with handbags and accessories. I even have some white eyeliner I'm itching to try (okay, maybe a little nervous to try).

Good news! My cold is slowly but surely releasing me from its sniffly clutches. I went jogging this morning, which seemed to have sped up my healing. I've been going strong the last few weeks and can't wait for the weekend so I can sit back and chiiiiillllll ....

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