

I'm Mary. It's nice to meet you. This blog is a tiny space on the internet to document my musings on style, travel and culture. Enjoy!

Emergency Kit for the Office

Emergency Kit for the Office


This may be the least fashionable post I'll ever write. But it's certainly relevant. After nearly a decade in the workforce, I've put together a collection of nonnegotiable items that must be in my desk at all times. They're solutions to life's little embarrassments, whether it's a staticy skirt, smudged eye makeup or lipstick on your teeth. Or, sometimes you're just in pain, due to uncomfortable shoes or a headache. Whatever the case, I'd highly suggest packing your own emergency kit for work — this one saves me almost every day.

from top left to right
Pocket Mirror by Phillipi // Lint Roller from Walgreen's // Ball of Foot Cushions from Brantano // Static Guard from Target // Nail Clipper from Walgreen's // Dental Floss from Target // Advil from Walgreen's // Kleenex from Walgreen's

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