

I'm Mary. It's nice to meet you. This blog is a tiny space on the internet to document my musings on style, travel and culture. Enjoy!

Holiday Jewel Tones and Glossy Lipstick

I'm feeling inspired by this moody editorial starring Keira Knightley, from the January issue of Vogue UK, for the following reasons:

  1. My skin is currently that pale. Thanks, winter.
  2. The rich pops of color and jewel tones in Ms. Knightley's attire feel so ripe for the holiday season.
  3. Same goes for the sultry, lacquer-like finish on her lips. What a cupid's bow on that girl!
  4. This looks like it was shot in a romantic Mediterranean plaza, and couldn't we all use a little Mediterranean plaza in our lives? Hello, Greece; let's hang out.

Since I'm making lists, here's what I still need to accomplish before the holidays:

  1. Find a Christmas present for my boyfriend. He's the last one left on my list. His interests include expensive booze, expensive outerwear, expensive cookware and expensive camping gear. Remind me again why I'm dating someone whose tastes begin in the triple digits? (oh yeah — those cute dimples, and his culinary abilities, and his dorkiness, and maybe some other things too)
  2. Shop for shoes online. I'm looking for sturdy boots with a thick heel that still manage to look chic. Maybe a wedge? Anyway, Macy's has a killer sale right now, which just might be the ticket.
  3. Wrap gifts.
  4. Muster up the self control to not eat myself into oblivion over the next two weeks.

How have your holidays been? Are you finished gift-shopping yet? Do you plan on watching your waistline this month?

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NEW WORK: Kevin Kramp / Colorblocking / Eveningwear